Hi Everyone!!
I was without internet for a week which delayed many complicated things and many things in college. However I was not completely disconnected from the world (I can not be disconnected from the world) Thanks to my cell phone (cell I Love You)!
The truth is that I've had a week really busy with exams lectures many tasks at home. Well next week will be the same or perhaps even worse why I'm studying very hard to get all my materials ahead. Wiii :D
The reason why I lost my Internet was because we forgot to pay. We were all :O when they cut the internet. Lol no one expected ;)
The truth is that good I need much Internet and outside the University of blogging and being on twitter and facebook. I really complicated things this week but hey thank God and internet back. In a few minutes a new post .. @.@
Bye Bye!!
P.D It was not minutes spent hours
Real Cool!