Hi Everyone!
Today I will share a small part of my life my brother and stuff. I have a little brother who will soon meet age 2 really is a very smart boy for his age. I remember that at his age I was like a kid too peaceful and quiet, he is very outgoing. Or so I tell my parents.
(´∀`) An interesting thing is that my brother's hair is very straight. (Mine is not as straight) But I like my hair grows very fast. Then every so often you have to go to cut his hair.
(^∀^) My Little cute Diego ~~
Although quite small in age is very intelligent and behaves quite well when you are cutting the hair. There already has his court ready. For the poor lighting is not well appreciated but there he is. ( ´▽`)
After cutting his hair out we went to McDonalds to buy a Happy Meal for my brother (BTW only buy my dad for allegedly toy not for the food, since eating only appropriate feeding Diego).
This is what brought a notebook (´・_・`)
WtH is this toy for a child?
When I was a little girl had better toys. (。・・。)
This was my outfit on that day, I would like to know what you think of my outfit in your comments. And my hair had no idea that him and I just took off my bangs, and left it at that.(・o・)
My Mom & Diego (・o・)/
We went to eat sushi, which I did not take pictures because my camera had kept well I had to help my mother with my brother. After that I take some ramdoms pics...
Really cute Mickey container of Bubble gum!\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/”
A candy bracelet Hello Kitty! It is made of edible candy.(・ω・*)
We went to a new store that sells shoes and accessories. My mom bought a pair of flats for her. I took a few pictures. (〃ノωノ)♡”
Bracelets Deals~~ 1$
Camara Neckacle~~(〃ノωノ)♡” Retro Vintage and Cute!
This is the last picture, my mom gift me from that store this cute bow headband (,,• •,,)♥ Really cute~~
Thank you very much to all who visit me in my blog. I shared just a small part of my life from my perspective. Soon many new reviews. I hope you have a nice and cute day 。.:*♡
Bye Bye!!