"Advertorial Post"

Monday, December 28, 2020
Friday, December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas 2020
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
[JOLSE] VDL Satin Veil Primer
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Sakuranko 10th Anniversary
Hi Everyone!
I am very happy to be here today because I can say HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY 🎊 this is tenth Anniversary of my blog and wow I feel very proud of myself because this has been a great goal. Lots of people start blogging but few people blog that long despite all the changes that these last 10 years have involved. I cannot imagine that I have already reached 2 figures, that I reached the first decade of the existence of this space. I remember that when I started blogging I was just a 17-year-old teenager and today, 10 years later, at 27, here I am. Obviously, much more intelligent, much wiser and with a better English grammar.
A few hours ago I was celebrating this Anniversary in a thematic town called Hotel La Chamaquera. It is a space a little away from the city where I live where I could have hours of fun. I will share with you some of the photos I took a few hours ago.ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Happy Anniversary \(★ω★)/
Monday, December 14, 2020
Korean Makeup Haul XII "Joohky"
Hi Everyone!
I know has been several days without any review I am aware of that, but I been with Wi-Fi issues and with work I have a lot of work lately which is good so the issue with the Wifi has been my major issue now. The last year I was contacted by Joohky for one collabration when I was going to share some of the products of their webstore. This webstore has a good number of brands and great offers so I decided to pick some products and this was the Haul of products that I received. By the way, you remember that i just mentioned the last year? This package arrived to my country the first days of March but the same week that this package reach The Customs of my Country a state of emergency was declared due to the pandemic.
So yeah, It has been a year since Joohky sent me this package. But I feel blessed because first I received all the products in an excellent state, second no product has expired, all the products are away of their expiration date which is fantastic because i was worried about that too. If you are following me at my Instragram stories probably already know some of this products. The most of these products are skincare products but I am a huge fan of skincare which is great.
Juicyful Deep Clay Cleanser 150g
Daily Brown base colors create a subtle look of makeup.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Top 10 Best K-pop Songs 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
"Advertorial Post"
This has been complicated days for me because I have so much to share with you, new posts, new reviews, new designs a lot of new stuff but my wifi is not working since several days ago, and has been pretty complicated blogging. Now it seems my desktop pc needs an update but with all this negative Wi-Fi thing. Right now I'm writing from my phone but nobody stops here. Today I decided to share some coupons with you because these are the days for the Christmas purchases and always is good has some discounts.
The best thing about this website is that you can find a good quantity of different web stores with different types of discounts which is great because the Christmas purchases are always different between each person. You prefer buy the Christmas gifts with a lot of anticipation? Or you prefer buy everything on the last minute? By the way, If you are looking for Australian coupons you can find a good variety there too.
Obviously you can find Indian coupons here too so there are coupons for everybody. In my case I enjoy preparing the gifts with certain quantity of time so when It's December 10th I have already all my gifts. In that way I only have to enjoy the upcoming days and nothing more. This has been a strange year and now is really close to the end. But there still things I want to accomplish before the ending. Well lovelies I hope you can find this post useful and informative. I hope to have a new review for you tomorrow. My best wishes to you~
Bye Bye!
Monday, December 7, 2020
Important Message
Since several years ago I've worked with different companies with "Advertorial Posts" this means that I receive a quantity of money to share these posts on my blog. That is fine because in that way I can win money for some small necessities and everything is with money. I´ve purchased it in some of these web stores. In other, I never purchased before.
So I label all my posts so If you read a post with the label "Advertorial Post" that is what means. Please be careful because customer service on some of these websites is always changing is that is normal. Please use common sense always before making a purchase.
If you read my Sponsors page you are gonna find this same Disclaimer. But I am going to share the disclaimer here too:
Disclaimer About the Advertorial Posts
Saturday, December 5, 2020
"Advertorial Post"
Hi Everyone!
I discovered recently that the evenings are fresher, the air feels cold and is just a little different to the past year when in December I didn´t notice any change respect to the weather and that is good. It has been a while since a noticed that I needed to use a sweater. Recently I started to make a wishlist with my favorite trendy sweaters and the reason is that I am not sure how I am going to pick only two options for purchase but I always find a way to pick. So this time I want to share a little about a new website when you can find really cute sweaters, tops, bottoms, pants, accessories, and more. This web store is called Ninacloak and this website is where I picked this cute purple sweater.
I can´t deny my love for this beautiful blouse, you already know my love for lace so my second pick was this marvelous lace blouse with long sleeves that looks splendid for the upcoming holidays. By the way, I am not sure about my style for the holidays, now that I am a grown-up woman I've been thinking that to be comfortable is better to be excessive pretty in the New Year's Eve. By the way I found really cute tops online on this website.
Bye Bye!