Hi Everyone!
This is not a regular post because this is not a review or an advertorial post, in fact, I have days without post any post. The reason is that I started with the activities of College the past Sunday and wow I feel overwhelmed about everything. I´ve been dealing with something horrible for me called "anxiety" and "panick attacks" and this is a very serious post for me. Because this doesn´t mean I need attention or something like that, because sincerely the last I want is attention, I need to express myself in some way and this is one.
“Don't take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.”
― Colleen Hoover, Slammed
I´m a bookworm and I always find myself in some books. And Slammed was one of that books. Today I felt physically sick and I was unable to wake up and go to College. Tonight I can´t sleep I was with insomnia and anxiety all night was one point that I just wanted was pass switch and stop to think. Sincerely I hate to think "OVERTHINKING" is the most terrible thing for a person who suffers from anxiety. And one part of me just want stop of thinking and I simple I can´t quit.
“Every decision you make, makes you. Never let other people choose who you’re going to be.”
― Cassandra Clare, The Lost Herondale
The bad thing about holidays is how I feel after holidays, because I want spend more time in bed with long time reading and I don´t want made anything more. And I don´t want to socialize or go out with nobody. So back to the reality with College and Medical School sincerely doesn´t was easy. I need to learn how float with this anxiety and stress. Now I´m here in front my pc trying to feel better for go to sleep. Sometimes I need breathe because I feel so tired. I hope feel better soon and If anyone there has a problem with anxiety you can feel free to write an honest comment about your situation. The life is not easy but I know that to the end of this journey everything will be fine.
Bye Bye!!
Good luck with everything that you are doing and don't forget to take time out for yourself too. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure things will get better. College life isn't easy especially if you're in a medical school. All your hard work will pay off.
Wish you all the best dear! kisses
ReplyDeleteThey actually make a thing called nerve tonic, in America it's not a very common thing to find but it can be gotten as easily as aspirin. It's not super strong, but can make stressful situations calmer. If you can find some at a pharmacy, I'd suggest trying it.
ReplyDeleteI get panic attacks too, so I know the feeling...
ReplyDeleteWhat helps me is working out. Whenever I feel stressed, once I start working out or better said doing martial arts, I feel fine again...
Meditating also helps me stay calm.
I hope you feel better soon!!!
wish you all the best!
Espero que te mejores pronto, es bueno dar un paso al costado y relajarse un poco a veces las cosas nos abruman y no nos damos cuenta... tomate tu tiempo para tus tareas y para las cosas que te gustan hacer. Saludos =)
ReplyDeleteWish you all the best.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. <3
from SellysSecrets || Instagram || Facebook
I Hope you feel better soon dear!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck! :-)
Unhas Clássicas e Modernas
Take time to breathe and relax! Hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteI can imagine how you feel, I have some anxiety issues myself because of so much stress:/ hope you will get better soon , just take some time off and relax )
Take it easy and see you soon :-) xx
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this'll help because you said you wanted to stay in and read but whenever I wake up, I try to do a little strech and 15 minutes Yoga routine. It helps alot getting the blood flowing and overall making me feel better, maybe you should try it?
ReplyDeleteAlso working out in the mornings helps me too.
When the night comes I'm too tired to think, and fall asleep. I hope you feel better. Much love and support! ♡
Ohdearmilk ✧・゜*
Awwhh I hope you're doing okay and feeling better now! One thing I love to do in the morning is read, so i can understand your feelings. Sometimes the best thing to do when you're stressed out is to take a break and give yourself time to relax. x
ReplyDeleteMinaekei ♥ Latest Blog Post!
Medical school is pretty hard. I have some friends who are studying and I am often worried about them because it means a lot of stress. Of course it is really interesting and there are so many great things to learn - but the first thing you really have to learn for yourself is how to stay relaxed for most of the time. How to keep up spending precious time with family and friends. And how to find something you can do to keep your balance in life. Yoga really is a great thing to do but maybe you are more familiar with another kind of sports.
ReplyDeleteDo not let it worn you out!
If you can do that the anxiety problems will reduce themselves.
It is hard thing to do but I hope you can rely on family and friends - they will be your greatest strength in such times. :)
If the anxiety issues are too big maybe you can get some help in the pharmacy and drugstore as well: camomile tea, green tea or lavender and St John's wort can help to relax.
I hope you soon get better and find a balance between studies, blog and time to relax. To carry too many activities is overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteJasmine x
I'm sorry to hear about this Raimar. I find going for a walk and listening to music can help. Chin up and remember you're not alone, many people go through anxiety as well. Be yourself and be happy because those who matter won't mind, and those who mind won't matter. Take care, hope you feel better soon~
I understand you really well and sometimes we need to express our feeling and thinkings to feel better.
I hope you will feel better soon. I can totally understand you when you say you feel anxious and have panic attacks. I do feel the same way when I enter school and think about everything I will still have to go through and all the pressure I get :/ I think you need some time by yourself and a lot of thinking. Things that might help you (they helped me) is when you try to do things and make mini goals everyday. I do think that everyone goes through this someday in their life and you eed patience and alone time. I hope you will be okay ! :-)
I hope you feel better!! I hope you get to find a safe place where you feel good, like how you said you like to read and am able to find yourself in books. We all get anxious at some point in our lives so you are not alone, dear. I personally need to remind myself to breathe sometimes and I focus on my breathing... that it helps calm me down. Otherwise, I like to write down all my thoughts because if I don't I find myself thinking of the same things over and over. Stay well! <3
Winn | ♥
winscribbles.blogspot.com | Instagram
Good luck back in college. Hope you feel better. Have a lovely week.
Take care dear, I hope you will feel better. I do love to read books but I have few time right now. Have a nice day! xoxo
ReplyDeleteSometimes I have very similar anxiety, so I understand, what you're going through. I hope, that you'll feel better very soon!
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ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better and I wish you all the best.
ReplyDeleteLife is truly a roller coaster ride. Stay strong and think positive. May God bless you and be happy dear.