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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Cayo Sal

 Hi Everyone!

Today I want to tell you about a magical place called Cayo Sal (Salt Cay) is a small island in Falcon, Venezuela a wonderful place with a beautiful beach that is placed in Morrocoy National Park. As you can see this beautiful cay is a magical and natural beauty, this is only a small portion of the big Morrocoy National Park in Venezuela. Since several years ago I wanted to visit this place. because I just love the beach and something that is very popular in my country are the beautiful islands and beaches.

I planned this trip that was only a full day visit around ten days before the trip. This place is around three hours from where I live but sincerely I guess this place is wonderful. To reach this cay have to travel to Chichiriviche in Falcon state and then board a boat on a trip to Salt Cay of five minutes.  I do enjoy traveling, especially traveling in style. In an ideal world, I would travel by private jet to locations like this, and I aim to someday do that! I often research jet card cost and imagine being able to fly privately! Until then, I manage just fine getting here in those three hours.

The sand is white

Something that makes me a little upset was that the day was not a beautiful sunny day in the Caribbean but was very cloudy (no rainy just cloudy) and all the colors here were less vibrant when we reached the cay.  But the temperature was warm and perfect for a beach day. 

This is the Mangrove Area

After several hours the sun came out and the colors became bright and beautiful. The water is crystalline, the sand and everything was perfect. So many different shades of blue. I visited this place with Kuro and wow everything was so magical. Sincerely I would like to visit other islands around Morrocoy. Since I arrived at the Cayo I removed my shoes and feel the warm sand all day and the wonderful crystalline water and that was during all day. Sincerely, sometimes we need to reconnect with nature and for me reconnect with the water is healing and powerful. 

My selfie with Kuro 💕
Thank you for going on this adventure with me

My last photo of the day a seashell~ I hope you can see a little of this magical and beautiful place Cayo Sal.

Bye Bye!!


  1. Jakie piękne widoki. Cudne zdjęcia!

  2. Thanks for the beautiful post!

  3. A total paradise on earth ♥ OTP For sure ♥ ♥ ♥

  4. beautiful place 😍
    this shell is beautiful 😍
    I also always try to plan, even a one-day trip, a few days in advance ☺

  5. Hello dear friend! You realy live in heaven. Lanscapes you shared in this post are amazing. Sea color beautiful. White sand is beautiful. I am going to follow your blogsite. Thanks for providing it. Have a wonderful day. Greetings from Turkey.

  6. Hola!! que lindo lugar, quisiera estar ahí, pero se nota que te divertiste mucho

  7. Bellísimo lugar ¡Quien pudiera estar ahí!.


  8. I loved our trip to Cayo Sal!! Thank you so nm7ch for having me! I pray we go to many more cayes and other trips. Love you!

  9. So wonderful. Lovely post! So glad you guys could be there!

  10. Lindo lugar te mando un beso

  11. This is the first time I hear about this island! It is so beautiful! I was delighted with the color of the water and the beautiful beach. Lovely photos :)

  12. Grunt, to dobra zabawa i wypoczynek, pozdrawiam. :)

  13. Wonderful place! That beach is very nice. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Great adventure and beautiful view. Stay safe and healthy

  15. Cayo Sal looks like a paradise. Thank you for taking us on this adventure with you. This area is wonderful. The beach is amazing and the sea water is so clear. You look lovely in your beach styling, lovely shorts and top. Nice to see you had a nice time with Kuro. Have a nice day!

  16. Beautiful beach and clear water. Great photo of you and Kuro.

  17. What a beautiful place to spend time and explore. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day.

  18. What a beautiful place! I love the water. And the white sand also looks perfect. :)

  19. Unas fotos preciosas, me encantan, ¡Menudo paraiso!

  20. Wonderful photos and interesting post dear!

  21. Such a beautiful beach with clear water. I can see why you love it there so much!

  22. Holaa!! qué hermosa playa!! y las fotos están geniales, gracias por compartirlas.


  23. Olá sakuranko primeiramente agradeço pela visita e pelo comentário ...Seu blogger é muito lindo como as fotos também !
    Com carinho abraços 💐

  24. Beautiful place and this colours of water :)

  25. Hello,
    Wow, what a dream landscape! strongly that we can travel again. Thank you for this nice sharing.

  26. So Peaceful - Mind Altering For Sure - Excellent Break From The Chaos Of Life - Travel On My Friend


  27. Wow, that is one gorgeous place! I'm envious of your travel!

  28. Thanks a lot =)

    Great post with beautiful pictures =)
    I love the caribbean, I was in the Dominican Republic and in Cuba and both was so nice <3 Want to travel again there.

  29. Beautiful place and what a lovely beach.

  30. I envy you for your stay in this warm and wonderful place ;-)

  31. What a beautiful place! Your photos show it well. I like your blog!

  32. You two look wonderful together. The sea is beautiful.
    Best regards :)

  33. Wow, was für ein toller Strand, da würde ich auch gern Urlaub machen.LG Romy

  34. Wow, it looks like such a beautiful place. I can't get over how stunning the water is! These pictures are so wonderful <3

  35. Smiling Kuro and you - i can see both of you had a great sunny day in Cayo Sal. The beach is amazingly clean and waters so clear and inviting. You are so lucky to be able to get our, we are in lockdown again.

  36. ¡Qué maravilla! Es un lugar realmente precioso.


  37. Qué sitio tan bonito! Envidia sana jiji

  38. So beautiful photos and place :)

  39. What an amazing place! Thanks for sharing

  40. What a beautiful place! <3

  41. You both looks super cute 🥰🥰

  42. Que passeio lindo, nessa ilha tão bonita, rodeada de águas cristalinas!
    Grata por esta partilha tão especial, Sakuranko! Adorei as vossas fotos!
    Um lugar que desconhecia por completo!... Beijinhos! Continuação de uma boa semana, para vocês!

  43. Wooow
    Que fotos más bonitas, se ve un lugar precioso *-*
    me diste envidia jaja
    besos ♥

  44. Wonderful place, great photos ❤

  45. Looks like a nice beach to visit!

  46. Amazing place. Enjoy!


  47. What a beautiful place! I dream of beach days!
    have a great week,

  48. Holaa, oh, se ve que se la pasaron muy bien :D
    Besos :3

  49. It looks beautiful there on the island of Cayo Sal,
    and the sand on that beach in Morrocay National Park looks clean and inviting.
    The water there looks very clear and delightful to go swimming in.
    I love the appearance of the pretty short-sleeved yellow blouse you styled with the blue shorts.

  50. ¡¡Pero qué lugar tan bonito!! Es todo un paraíso. Me encanta el mar, seguro que lo pasaría genial allí :). Y las fotos son preciosas.
    Un abrazo.


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