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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday to me~

Hi Everyone!

Lately I've been a little distracted, and tell them that as problems in my country my university doesn´t have classes, but ah true ... this post is about .. My birthday and me. (*>ω<*)♡ Last Saturday was my birthday, my birthday is March 15, in the middle of spring in many parts of the world, which makes me very happy.

( ˘•ω•˘ ) Now I'm 21, I don´t know how time flew so fast, but hey if I'm here. I have learned many things. Well actually I didn´t have a big celebration or something. I only stayed at home and went out with my parents then eat some sushi.

Selfie of that day~

Maybe I should make this post on Sunday, but I've been working hard,♡ (o`・∀・´)ノ The majority of all the beauty products I use are bought by my pocket and good for that I have to work. Also I'm saving and I hope to travel this year. 

♡(*^^*) Me with my Mom

Thanks to this Amazing women for make of me who I´m!

My mom and my LIttle Brother~
I love you although both stress so much I sometimes LOl ~!(*・ω・)ノ

Diego & Me~
(*゚▽゚*)♡ He is heavy.

This very cute boy, he sang Birthday song over 20 times on Saturday~
°( ・ω・)°⌒⌒°( ・ω・)°⌒.♡♡♡


〜(*´◡`*) That was my food~

This photograph thanks to my mother~
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♡

This is me trying not to laugh eating.♡٩(๑òωó๑)۶

Well after those good times, even though you do not you create a bad situation for me with my father, but I write this to remember how upset that made me feel, well I should learn from the things that happens is part of my life, but everything is fine with him after that.

For these reasons I didn´t feel comfortable taking me pictures, and good after that I just wanted to go home to see the pc and watch anime. (´-`).。oO

(( つ•̀ω•́)つ I bought gummies that day and they were delicious ~

the next day I gave this particular birthday cake, the truth  I don´t like the sweets or cakes but it´s ok. (っ´ω`c)♡ Thanks to my grandmother and my aunt for be with me wo cut this cake! 〜❤️❤️ And of course my mom and Diego. Thanks to my dad for this cake. 

I have learned a lot in these 21 years, I've learned that you should only matter to those who care about you. I've learned that no matter if someone is your family like you can be an idiot. Also it best not to fall into hypocrisy is best to stay away from those you do not like. Religion and the Church are quite manipulative.

That all life we have to study each day to have a future, and a bright future. That the only thing that nobody can take away is knowledge. You should not be linked to a toxic person and if that bothers you in person get away, and if it bothers you on a social network, block.

That one can achieve anything you want, however you will always require hard work and discipline and that is not nice part. That the only frontiers are those we place ourselves, and if you love someone you can stand the distance. Only you must work for you because nobody else will.

(∩´∀`∩) Thanks to life have health, so I am grateful for another year of life.

Thanks for your comments and love~

Bye Bye!!


  1. Happy birthday,wish you all the luck

    Royal Wang


  2. Happy birthday dear ! ^^ ♡
    You really look like your mom omg, both gorgeous *O*


  3. Happy belated birthday sweetheart!!!
    Sushi is always great to celebrate bdays hihi And your mom looks so young, I thought she was your friend *___*

  4. Happy Birthday Darling...hope you had a magical day and may your year be filled with love, happiness and laughter. Your mum is so beautiful, I see where you get your looks from. and your little brother is so cute.

  5. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day. It's a good thing you don't live in my area because then you would have had such a cold birthday.


  6. Happy birthday sweetheart!!!
    Many kisses! Have a great day!!!
    Wish you all the best!!!

  7. Ohhh Happy Birthday!!!
    I hope that your days was amazing :3
    Take care, have a nice day!*

  8. Happy Birthday ya. I am happy to read your stories on your lovely birthday.
    You are so beautiful in every way
    Wishing you all success and rewarding year ahead

    Asep Haryono

  9. Wszystkiego najlepszego! Zdrowia :)
    Pozdrowienia z Polski

  10. Blessed birthday <3
    Your mom is so gorgeous and you surely inherited her beauty as well.
    And yes, I truly stand by the belief that every knowledge gained is an asset that nobody can take away from you.
    I hope you enjoyed this special day with your family~ Have a great year ahead!

    Clarie C.

  11. Happy birthday, Raimar! *kisses*

  12. happy birthday cutie ❤!

  13. happy birthday darling!~


  14. Happy birthday! Looks great, very nice blog you have!

  15. Happy Birthday, dear! You've been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award (I don't see a button on your page, so I nominated you for being fab!) Check my post here for questions: Sakuranko Liebster Award <3

  16. Happy Birthday girl! WOW You and your mama looks like sister! Totally gorgeous ^^

    imladiiekay | Beauty & Lifestyle blog ♡

  17. Awww, happy birthday ! I hope you had a good one ^^

  18. Happy belated birthday Sakuranko! <3
    Wish you good luck with everything!
    Try to get the best out of everyday :)

  19. A late HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You should treasure the good times you had that day, specially with such a beautiful and sweet mother and an adorable little brother! Your mother and you look so much alike, you look more sisters!
    Many kisses and take care.



    恵美より ♥

  21. happy belated birthday! i always thought you were younger, but you're actually just a year younger than i am, haha:-) and your brother is cute. x

  22. Happy Birthday to you!!! Your mom looks really young *o*

    ☼ ☀Summer Solstice☀ ☼

  23. happy late birthday! great pictures :) hope you had a great time


  24. Happy Birthday love!! only 21?? you are so young! I hope your 21st year is a special one<3

  25. Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true :)

  26. Happy belated birthday to you
    hmm...I'm not celebrate my birthday with my family since 6 years old
    I think you are blessed even though your daddy was not with you during celebration
    Cheers up...keep positive mind
    btw your mummy looks alike with you and your bro is cute ^^
    love all your foods here...sushi is my favourite

  27. Happy birthday, dear♥ wish you all the best for your future and hope that your dreams come true :*

  28. wow your mom looks so young ^^
    once again happy birthday ^^

  29. Happy Birthday Raimar! I hope yours this year was better than the past. If I understand your post correct, I'm sorry about your father. Just remember family is the people who love you and you love. <3

    1. And by the way, your mom looks so young! You look gorgeous in these photos and so happy <3

  30. Haaaappy Birthday!~(○´∀`○) ❤
    It looked like a really happy moment with you & your family, very blessed!
    Have a lovely day~~❤

  31. Happy Birthday Pretty ~~~~ :D <3

  32. Happy Birthday wishes to you doll...you look gorgeous. You and your mom look a lot alike & your brother is sweet :) All the food looks super yummy. Am happy you had a wonderful time xx

  33. Happy birthday! You looked sooo lovely! No wonder, your mum is really pretty - you have lucky genes. :) The sushi looks yummy too. I hope your wish will come true and you will travel a lot!

  34. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You look adorable and your little brother is so cute. ^^ Yeah, just cause someone is related to you doesn't mean they have to treat you well. I wish you the best of luck for this new life year and, no matter what anyone does or says to you, stay strong, and always be true to yourself and follow your heart. (^_−)−☆


  35. Happy birthday !
    Your cake looks so yummy :)

  36. Happy Birthday^^ Looks like you had a really fun day! x

  37. Feliz Cumpleaños!!!


  38. Hope you're having a good week so far hun

  39. Feliz cumpleaños atrasado =( espero que lo hayas pasado muy bien..

  40. You have a beautiful family, just like you, I'm glad you had a great day, and enjoy your days off :D♥

  41. Happy birthday :)
    Hope you had a great day :)
    Your brother is super cute and your mum is really pretty!

    Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
    Instagram // Faceboook

  42. Happy birthday! Btw your mom looks so young! :)

  43. Happy belated birthday to you, my dear. ♥
    I'm glad you could spend a great day with your family members. Your brother is just too cute and it's awesome how young your mother looks! You look very pretty in these pictures, too. ^^


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