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Wednesday, November 25, 2015


"Advertorial Post"

Hi Lovelies! 

Today with a lovely post about hair~ Right now I´m considering to start to use hair extensions~ But I don´t know because I want a color that match with my natural color (that is my color right now) because the medium/short hair well is not like my style because I don´t know exactly what to do with my hair. But I love it the colors on my hair for that reason I think that first pic with that beautiful blue higlights that are hair extensions for me are very fabulous. This and more cute hair extensions you can find in Fabstrands.

But I love it too the natural hair extensions too even if the color of this second hair extensions are not my natural color because are very cute. And that is the most great about the beautiful clip hair extensions that you can add cute highlights to your hair and that can look very natural and pretty. Fabstrands offer you a great variety of styles, I love it the ombré hair extensions I think are my favorite style but this blond style is very cute too.

It's been a long time since the last time I used extensions, I had extensions clip, but I sold them to a friend, the reason was because I had my long hair and well I changed my hair color and the same happens with the most of my wigs right now I just have a few wigs. Maybe the upcoming year will be the year of use more wigs and hair extensions but many of you know I´m a huge fan of change my style, for that same reason I went to the salon for a new short style because I had a long time with my long hair, but know I miss my long hair, the good fact is that in Fabstrands I can find beautiful hair extensions, and second that my hair is growing. I want to know on your comments If you know about this store and maybe your opinions about hair extensions.

Bye Bye!! 


  1. Que hermoso! me encanta como se ven ese tipo de extensiones, me da miedo tinturarme el cabello y que me quede feo, es una buena opción :3

  2. As cute hello ami I like to change my hair style and color , the extensions are very practical 've used extensions on two occasions and have been to clip a beautiful greeting

  3. Jennifer Aniston got the best hair ! :)

  4. I love the color of the first one!

  5. Never heard of it, thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the hair on these pictures.It's great that even if you miss your long hair there's a solution.Your blog is lovely by the way

  7. I always love hair extensions, especially long coloured one! this seems like something new thanks for sharing!


  8. Great post and amazing pictures :)...thx for sharing!

  9. fabstrands sounds great ♥


  10. i really like natural colour hair ;)

  11. I would try hair extensions one time!

  12. Really interesting...thx for sharing!


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