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Monday, May 29, 2017

Temporary Stag Tattoo

Hi Everyone!

I know has been several days since my last post sincerely I was hoping for a short post and continue quickly to my next post but my WiFi was horrible so I am here today publishing my new post. Few months ago I bought at eBay this temporary tattoo. The reason was because I love it the stags. And I don´t have a particular reason. I guess is the same reason because I love the goats. The stags and the goats has a place in my heart and I don´t care If that sounds really weird. My few days has been really pathetic but I want share this lovely temporary tattoo because is super lovely. 

Years later reading one book from my favorite book series I discovered that the stag there in that universe was a very presentative figure and I was so excited. By the way probably of the reasons because I love the stag is because in the celtic mitology the white stag is always desired and is related to the wild hunt and that for me so amazing. I want share with you one of my favorites quotes about the stag.

“That’s the stag,” Celaena breathed. “The Lord of the North.”
“Why does he get a fancy title? What about the swan and the dragon?”
Celaena snorted, but the smile faded when she stared at the familiar constellation. “Because the stag remains constant - no matter what the season, he’s always there.”
Celaena took a long breath. “So the people of Terrasen will always know how to find their way home. So they can look up at the sky, no matter where they are, and know Terrasen is forever with them.“
   - The Assassin and the Desert

I wanted share with you this part really sad about one of my favorite books⁝(˚͈͈͈͈̥̆₍₎˚͈͈͈͈̥̆⁎)⁝
Obviously I cried a lot with that scene because was a pretty hard scene
but was one of my favorites too.

Here the temporary stag tattoo on my skin~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Oh I really love it how looks on my skin. The tattoo only lasted four days but for me is fine. I love it how looks the color. I forgot to mention that the flowers in the antlers are lycoris radiata probably my favorite flower. This temporary stag tattoo is perfect for me. I want to know If you has used some temporary tattoo in the past. I want use more designs and is a simple a cheap way for decore my skin.

I want mention that even f this is a random post is part of mt too and I wanted share this with my sweet readers. Sometimes I need share random stuff too. I want to know your opinions about this temporary tattoo.

Bye Bye!!


  1. The tattoo came out really nice on your arm!

  2. Oh wow! It looks so pretty on your skin. Very beautiful.

  3. Wow, really love the colors in this tattoo! Looks great <3

  4. Great post dear, tattoo looks great! :)
    New post on my blog: http://vesnamar.blogspot.rs/2017/05/floral-embroidered-dress.html

  5. Perfect, I like it !


  6. I use temporary tattoos as well, that one is super pretty :)

  7. It's so so so nice!


  8. My friend would love that tattoo!

    xx Jennifer
    Effortlessly Sophisticated

  9. Glad your wifi is back. I like that quote and I like the tattoo on you.


  10. The tattoo design is beautiful, I use temporary tattoos in the summer, but they were metallized with tribal drawings. Kisses.


  11. this look good on you :)


  12. Wow im so jealous!!! It looks soo real!

    Let's keep in touch!

    -Eva M.

  13. Very nice! Have a lovely Day! 👌👌👌

  14. Your temporary tattoo ROCKSSSS!!! I thought it was real! WWOWOWOWOWO! Soo incredible! And sooo gorgeous!
    xoBeckerman Girls


  15. That's so pretty, dear! xoxo

  16. What a beautiful effect!
    I love it!


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