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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Updated #2957

“Every problem has a solution. But after every solution, there's a new problem to tackle, some new challenge to take on.”
― Marie Lu, Wildcard

Hi Everyone!

I know I´ve been absent some days since my last review. I am going to publish a review tomorrow or in some hours so that is fine for me. I want to talk a little about several things now. 

I was not sure If talk or not about this subject. But I am here writing this crying because this is too much for me. This surpasses me, I am tired to think how I am going to this or that. I live in Venezuela probably the most unsafe country in the world. I did not decide born here, believe If I could have decided that probably I was born in Japan, United Kingdom, Norway, Australia or Canada, but not I was born here. Twenty-five years ago when I born this country It was a lot different. First, there was nothing like the fucking socialism that is here now since twenty five years ago.

And I know I talked about the situation of my country before, but this time this is so untenable. If you are on the fucking losers that think that socialism works I want to invite you to live here with a simple work here living by your own to know how are going to live and If after three months living here are you gonna said again that the fucking socialism works. And I know I am cursing a lot, but this post is full of frustration.

I know I keep publishing posts here. But that is thanks to the sponsors and to how I try to manage my money buying time to time only the essential but not because I am rich. And I dod this of blogging because I can feel like there outside this jail with open sky there is something more. Now I now that I am not going to live here forever and now I know I should have gone long ago from this country.

I enjoyed that quote about that book a lot. 

Bye Bye!!


  1. Don't worry my dear.you are young and you can go everywhere!!! You must be happy

  2. I'm sorry to hear this post, I really feel for you. I do not expect your country to recover until a full revolution/coup ousts the current regime. But it's likely that another extremist party will take over (extreme right and the extreme left are both terrible), and things might stabilize economy wise but progress will be halted. I do expect extreme violence to unfold either way, I would heavily recommend leaving.

    Canada wants 1 million immigrants by 2021. I would encourage you to apply. With your medical skills, they would find you to be very appealing. Justin Trudeau is a very good leader, from my American perspective.

  3. So sorry about things there. Sending you lots of positive wishes x

  4. I'm so sorry, I wish you all the best! xx

  5. Entendo perfeitamente o teu estado de espírito, Sakuranko! Tenho ouvido nos noticiários... mas o socialismo... tal como todos os outros regimes... só não funciona... quando quem está à frente de uma determinada força partidária, não respeita os seus valores... aqui em Portugal, também oscilamos entre o socialismo e a social democracia... mas respeitamos os resultados eleitorais... que não são forjados e manipulados... também tivemos um regime ditatorial cá, durante meio século... e isso ainda continua muito presente, em todos os portugueses... pelo que aqui, a democracia acontece e funciona... e por aí... o povo vai ter que se impor... para que ela efectivamente volte a funcionar... e pelo que me tenho apercebido nos últimos dias... tentativas para mudar algo, já estão a acontecer... se a mesma não resultar... o grau de insatisfação por aí, já é tão grande, que a situação a manter-se será insustentável... por isso... a curto ou médio prazo... tenho a certeza, de que as coisas não se manterão conforme estão, por muito mais tempo!...
    Força! Coragem... Só depois da tempestade... virá a bonança... tudo passa... e estes tempos ruins, também hão-de passar... já faltou mais!...
    Um beijinho grande! Cuida-te!... E evita situações perigosas, ao máximo, nestes tempos conturbados, por aí...

  6. Wonderful photos and interesting post dear!
    Have a lovely day!

  7. Yo viví en Venezuela por aquellos años, era un país maravilloso y espero que pronto lo vuelva a ser. Parte de mi familia vive todavía ahí. Besitos y espero que todo te vaya bien.


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