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Monday, June 29, 2020

MAY ISLAND Green Tea Real Essence Mask Pack

Hi Everyone!

I am back after I don't know so many days I am happy to be back to my blog and writing for you. I've had good days and bad days this quarantine time and I used this product on a bad day. Sincerely I don't know pretty well the reason because I decided to use this mask. Probably because I needed a little pamper myself after so many days being sad. I love green tea because it helps to calm my skin a lot and is one of my favorite ingredients.

Fresh green tea water fills the tired and rough skin with refreshing moisture mineral. Soothes and moisturizes the skin with moist vitality and suppresses active oxygen formation with catechin. The smooth cotton sheet covers the skin comfortably with superb adherence.


This is how looks the sheet mask


Before and After

Pros and Cons

- Moisturized effect
- Reduce the appearance of pores
- Luminous skin
- Refreshing effect

- Strong alcohol aroma
- In many countries you only can buy this product online


It's my first time using MAY ISLAND so I didn't know anything about the product of this brand but I can say that my first impression of this face mask was the strong alcohol aroma that this product has. It has the aroma of green tea but the aroma of alcohol, but you can also feel the aroma of green tea. I have discovered that I am not a fan of sheet masks with very strong essences. That is because I am allergic to strong odors and everything causes me a strong nasal discomfort.

It feels refreshing and although it hydrates the skin and calm I do not think it will do my skin so much good that strong aroma and you can see that among the ingredients is the alcohol denat that is quite strong for my sensitive skin but As we are in this quarantine situation where buying products is an odyssey and to buy I have to pay a high cost of shipping. The mask was fine but I did not have a very pleasant feeling so I decided not to repeat this product. I do not consider that this could be indispensable in my routine. So I prefer to try new brands or other products.I can't recommend this product because the effect is nice but nothing more. 


I hope you enjoyed this review ˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
I want to wish you the best for you
Happy day~

Bye Bye!!


  1. Z chęcią przetestowałabym ta maskę 😊

  2. I like cosmetics with green tea but here, this alcohol scares me away
    best regards

  3. I drink green tea everyday, good for health...

    Thank you for your review about benefit of green tea for beauty....

  4. Sounds like it is okay :-)

  5. I have yet to use a green tea face mask.

  6. Muy buen productos saludos

  7. Muy buen productos saludos

  8. Gosto imenso de produtos, à base de Chá Verde!
    Claramente o efeito nota-se, de facto! Excelente sugestão, Sakuranko!
    Deixo um beijinho e votos de continuação de uma excelente semana, por aí!
    Ando um bocadinho ausente, no momento, cuidando de um problema circulatório da minha mãe, numa perna... mas tem estado a evoluir bem, felizmente!...
    Tudo de bom! Saúde! Cuidem-se bem por aí! Por estes lados, o vírus, continua dando preocupações a todo o mundo!...

  9. I received this mask as a gift with one of my Jolse orders and I absolutely agree with your assessment of it.

  10. i love all face masks made by korea hehehe


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