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Friday, September 10, 2021

What You Should Consider When Expanding Your Business to Foreign Locations

There are a lot of businesses that, once they have come into some level of success, intend on expanding their organization. Whether this is overseas or to another state is irrelevant, it is a lot of hard work and a lot of pressure to take on. There are a variety of issues that commonly surface when businesses decide to expand to a foreign location, including setting up payroll on a global basis, a benefits program, and multiple other HR essentials. Not to mention, there is the time and cost involved in recruitment, coming to terms with the physical distance and cultural barriers, and the logistics of such a big move. This article will discuss these potential issues in more detail, specifically, how you can overcome them and ensure your business's success in its expansion. 

Think of the Logistics 

You need to consider transport and logistics when expanding overseas e.g. where to source packaging or materials/ingredients. There are also laws about transportation and delivery too. You'll find that sourcing wholesale private label skin care products for an overseas business can have vastly different rules than electronics or food. for example, you may need to find manufacturers local to the area to produce your goods for you because of rules on perishables. 
If you have a truck load of products to ship from locations that are a large distance away, then you should ensure that you have the means to carry out those deliveries. You should consider utilizing the services of Shiply who are able to ship lots of products incredibly quickly and efficiently. 

Register Your Business

The amount of time that it takes to register your business in a new country or state can vary, so it’s important to get going with this process before it becomes too much of an issue. Even after this, getting your business up and running after its registration can also take a while due to instances such as office space, technology, electricity, and water. These issues can take a while to rectify and so it is important to get yourself registered as soon as possible so you can get on with all of the other potential problems. 

Of course, you shouldn’t be put off expanding somewhere new simply because the registration process for that area is tough; if the market is right then, you should try and encroach on it. In the grand scheme of things, the registration times are simply going to be a minor inconvenience. 

Finding Skilled Talent to Work for You 

It goes without saying that once you expand your market, you have a potential talent pool that is international. When you enter a brand new market, you have the chance to find professionals that have specialist skills, which are exactly what your company needs. Plus, if you are hiring from a job market that is less competitive, then the ability to hold on to and retain employees becomes much easier as well. 

Not only that, but when you set out to hire new talent in a foreign location, you are opening your door to a variety of different networking contacts as well, all of which could eventually help you build your business even more. This will be great if you decide to set up a permanent presence in that location because you will already know who you are near and who you can work with. 


  1. Yes, there a plenty of things to take into consideration before taking a risk as such.
    We really need to study the market abroad before even thinking about expanding your business. Is it really affordable to do so? How can laws change from a place to another? I really love the point of finding skilled talent to do the job. Even if we are so into our brand and treat it as our baby, we need to let professionals do the job. They can come with ideas based of that country/area that can attach your brand to the new market. Thanks for these tips, I found them really helpful ♥

  2. Very helpful information thanks for sharing.

  3. Uma publicação bem útil, para quem esteja a pensar expandir as suas actividades!
    Gostei imenso das dicas! Beijinhos! Bom fim de semana!

  4. hola
    gracias por los consejos

  5. Very interesting informations ;)

  6. I always thought something like expanding your business abroad, would be quite risky. I guess it's more a matter of being diligent and understanding the market.

  7. Great tips for expanding a business. Have a great weekend!

  8. useful tips....

    Thank you for sharing

  9. This is great advice! Very useful information.
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Hello, thank you for helpful information ;)

    - regards :)

  11. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing )

  12. Ciao cara...always interesting to read you.

  13. In my opinion, the most important thing are good employees.
    Greetings :)

  14. When expanding internationally, it is also worth remembering about cultural factors that have an impact on economic activity.

  15. Oh yes this set of brushes is really beautiful =)

    Really great post with nice informations =) Thanks for sharing.

  16. Interesting read. Have a beautiful weekend.

  17. Information you shared in this post is great!

  18. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

  19. Merci pour tous ces conseils!

    Julie Lab.

  20. Interesting article! Thank you for sharing with us!

  21. Very good information, thanks for sharing ^^

  22. Thanks for the info dear :)

  23. very good and practical informations!

  24. Interesting, thanks for sharing!

    Hope your week is off to a good start :)

  25. Great info about global entrepreneur

  26. I see a lot of business shipping overseas, I never realized that someone would have to go through all that to ship overseas, that's crazy!

  27. Hola!! un post muy interesante. Besos

  28. Muchas gracias por estos consejos, me parecen super útiles, ¡que tengas muy feliz semana!

  29. Interesting! I wish I can expand my business to oversea someday! :D

  30. Hello Sakuranko!
    You have given us very good advice, the truth is that they are always welcome because when you have a company things are not easy and sometimes we miss a lot of things, thank you for sharing these tips

  31. I hope to make it to foreign markets at some point, but that's probably a few years off still.

  32. Hola Sakuranko,

    Muy buenos consejos, en especial el de encontrar buenos talentos. Al final una empresa se compone de personas, si nos rodeamos de grandes personas inevitablemente construiremos una gran empresa.

    Un abrazo enorme y feliz día! :)

  33. Good post! Thanks for the info :)

  34. Interesting post full of practical knowledge :) Thanks for this :)

  35. thanks for this info. I hope one day my dream to expand my business abroad will be achieved.


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