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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Update 3984

Hi Everyone!

My last update was when I was hospitalized and sincerely I really need to share this update because I feel so different at that time. This year has been a roller coaster and sincerely I am not sure when I am going to start to feel that I have my life in order, I didn´t have that feeling when I was at College, and sincerely I didn´t feel that way aster I graduated and now that I am a little by myself in some things I feel out of my element but I am starting to think that this is part of my personality. When I am going to feel comfortable?"

You may feel terror, but you are not terrified. And there is a kingdom´s worth of difference between the two"- Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Shadow in the Ember

I feel a lot of doubts and I don´t like that feeling is unpleasant feeling doesn´t know what is what I am going to do. I still live with my parents and even with all the toxic traits here I am living for free with twenty-nine years old so sincerely I know that I am not the best daughter either. When this year started I was so sure about a lot of stuff and now, now I don´t know about anything.

I don´t want to talk about my romantic life because has been around a month since the last time a saw my bf. And we are at one strange point in our relationship due to him. So my best advice for each girl that is reading me right now is before investing in a relationship is first to invest all that you can in yourself and If after one year your relationship is not moving forward, RUN!

I have read 33 until today and I hope to read 80 books this year I feel happy because I have several books to read until this year ends. By the way, I have to read all these books for December 10Th so this is gonna be interesting because I have less than a month to read 47 books. So wish me luck~ Well, this was all for the post of today.

Bye Bye!!


  1. Life can be very challenging and it often feels like everything is uncertain or confusing. Hang in there though, things will get better, if you keep you head up and continue to go forward you'll see that things start to fall into place.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you were hospitalized. I don't know that anyone ever really feels like they have their life together; the only thing we can hope for is to get a little more comfortable with the chaos. So don't be too hard on yourself, especially about still living at home. I lived with my parents deep into my twenties, and things eventually worked themselves out. Be kind to yourself and enjoy your books. They're always a huge source of comfort to me. :)

  3. I hope you feel better and empowered soon.
    Lovely day!

  4. Oh, I hope each day gets better. Don't lose hope. Being hospitalized means you are taking care of yourself. And I hope the Self Care will continue. I'm glad to hear you are reading books. Stay strong. Love you. And a lot of us these days are staying longer with parents. Remember, those are precious times...even if it might not feel so. Stay beautiful! All the best to the days ahead. I think you've learned so many lessons that some might never see in their life. Peace Always❤

  5. ¡Holaa! Espero que te sientas mucho mejor y tu salud mejore. Te mando muuuuy buenas vibras.
    Besosss ♥

  6. Hello
    And I think I'm the only one with the problems!! I hope that everything gets better in your life and that you can read the 47 books you need ahahhah!!


  7. Mam nadzieję, że niebawem poczujesz się lepiej. Trzymam kciuki.

  8. I envy you a bit, I am at such point in life that I have almost no time for reading. And I love it so much... :(
    It's really good advice, to invest in yourself first of all. And the second part, about running, is equally good.
    Take care of yourself, dear.

  9. I hope you will feel better! I'm with you :)

  10. Współczuję, jutro też będzie dzień i może lepszy niż ten dziś. Pozdrawiam ciepło. ;)

  11. Things are going to get better soon, I know that for sure. Keep doing your good job ♥

  12. Sorry to hear you were not well. Good to know you are feeling better now.
    Good luck on the reading.

  13. ¡Hola! ^^
    Me consuela no ser la única que tiene que leer un montón de libros antes de que acabe el año, jeje. Yo me propuse llegar a cien, pero creo que no me va a dar tiempo. Mucho ánimo con todo :)

  14. Estimo que tudo melhore em breve, Sakuranko! De momento, eu também estou morando com a minha mãe, pois a saúde dela assim o exige... mas nesse aspeto tenho um namorado super compreensivo e atencioso, que está sempre pronto, a ajudar, e me tem ajudado em inúmeras situações, em tempos de pandemia... evitando-me riscos desnecessários, para também não colocar a saúde da minha mãe em causa, por ela pertencer a um grupo de alto risco, dado a sua insuficiência crónica e respiratória crónicas!
    Estamos a atravessar um momento muito especial, por todo o mundo, com esta maldita pandemia à escala global... não podemos exigir muito dos outros, nem de nós, nesta fase, e devemos entreajudarmo-nos ao máximo!...
    Beijinhos! Saúde para todos aí desse lado... que é o principal nestes tempos super desafiantes! E votos de tudo a correr pelo melhor!


I will always comment back!