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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Update 4385


Hi Everyone!

It has been a weird week, but I feel happy because today was good. And I must celebrate that because I have felt gloomy and sad all this week. The reason is not apparent to me. I decided to resign from my job and my studies at the hospital because I was not feeling good, my health deteriorated, and now has been two months since that event and the anxiety keeps playing in my mind. Because sometimes I feel like resigning was not a good choice and sincerely was the right decision. I can´t stand to be so many hours without eating or sleep and that was my life there. I could keep talking about how bad I feel being there but that is not good for nobody.

Now I am trying to reach new horizons and that is the reason I have not been consistent in my blog. In beginning, I feel like I was a failure.  And sincerely sometimes is complicated to deal with anxiety and depression. I have talked in the past about mental health. Now I need to find comfort and stability and structure. 

I can´t say the last days or the last months have been exactly easy but I experimented with so many emotions. I visited a place I wanted to visit since three years ago as was Cayo Azul and I learned to embrace myself and not be anyone else. I am working day by day for creating a better future for myself. 

Bye Bye!!


  1. No place that causes anxiety and depression is worth working at, or studying in for that matter, I thouroughlky support your desicion resign to sucha place. I'm rooting for you, I'm here for whatever you may need, I love you!

  2. May the decision you make make your life happier after this.

  3. All roads are bumpy, but sometimes we can travel down the worst that give us so much grief just because of expectations from family and life. It's good to find that road that you find joy in and I hope you find it. And I think you will. All the best to your future adventures. Stay strong. Stay healthy. Stay Happy☂️🌈🌸

  4. The decision is made and since you made it - it was a neccessary one. Try and stop pondering over it, look into the future. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

  5. may all the blessings of life be with you..

  6. Please get help for your anxiety and low feelings. It is important.

  7. You have to do what best for you. Just remind that.

  8. I feel you, deciding for oneself and dealing with the transition is really tough and different emotions are at play. You are brave. Sending you my well-wishes, let's take it day by day. Fighting!

  9. Sometimes you have to let go of some things to make room for new, better ones! Good luck!

  10. Sometimes you have to make a change and change is good. Wishing you success as you move forward!

  11. I'm so sorry. It sounds like you've been going through a lot. Working in a place that is bad for your mental health and happiness is not worth it in the long-run. You made a decision that prioritized your needs and I hope you feel proud of that. <3

  12. Great article. Stay safe and happy. I followed your blog now. Thx

  13. Certamente encontrarás um outro lugar, onde possas exercer todos os teus preciosos conhecimentos... e sem comprometer a saúde, por causa disso!
    Aqui no meu país, também tem havido muita contestação no sector da saúde, por motivos idênticos... uma infinidade de horas de trabalho, pouco descanso, e nem sempre a remuneração compensa tanto esforço quando os profissionais entram em burnout!...
    Vais ver que qualquer dia desses, surge um lugar bem melhor e mais sereno... talvez em clínicas ou centros de saúde, com menor movimento, mas com horários mais compatíveis, com estudos e preservação da saúde... física e mental, que é o mais importante a ser mantido. Melhor do que ninguém, os técnicos de saúde sabem quando a saúde está em causa... por isso, acho que tomaste a decisão acertada, para ti! Irá aparecer algo melhor!
    Um beijinho! Feliz semana! Votos de tudo a correr bem, e vai procurando alternativas com calma!

  14. Good luck, I'm sure you'll work it out

  15. Oi amiga, espero que esteja tudo bem com você!
    Tenha fé em Deus que você vai sair dessa fase de ansiedade depressiva.
    Se cuide e tenha força pra lutar contra a anciedade.
    Seja forte lute com fé, que você consegue vencer.

    Tenha dias abençoados com saúde e paz.
    Beijinhos 🌷

  16. Glad that you're happy. Take care!

  17. ¡Hola!
    Cuídate mucho y toma las cosas con calma, lo importante es que te sientas bien, lo demás vendrá después. Disfruta de Morrocoy, los cayos se prestan para descansar y despejar la mente ;)
    Un gran abrazo.

  18. All my very best for whatever you chose to do in the future.

  19. hola
    son unas sombras muy bonitas

  20. You are so brave and whatever you decide, if you feel good with the decision then is was the right decision.

  21. Whenever I feel low, I say: 'Success is built on consistency.


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