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Monday, April 29, 2019

Updated #3054

Hi Everyone!

I´ve been saying in some previous posts that I am gonna publish an update soon and today is the day.  Like some of you already know I live in Venezuela a country that is in a current situation very complicated. We have had power blackouts since the month of March began for many days in a row. And we are in a situation of a humanitarian crisis. 

Probably some of you may ask, How do you live in a country like that? Why you don´t leave that country and move forward to another country with a better quality of life. Because that sounds pretty easy when you had the money, the family, the support or the visa to leave the country. And in my case, I don´t have anybody waiting for me in another country and I don´t have the money yet to leave my own country and migrate to another place.

“All the world is a cage in a young girl's eyes.”
― Samantha Shannon,The Priory of the Orange Tree
I decided with all my efforts trying to enjoy the journey because whatever will be the end I am not sure which will be my happy ending. I am living in a dangerous place where each day is complicated in their own way. The only thing that I know is that I can´t stop working or living because is the only way to be going forward. The time is not going to stop for me. So I am making my effort to find my way but enjoy my time finding my own path. Obviously, there are days when I feel very depressed when I don´t want to wake up from my bed but there are good days too. 

I am trying to enjoy my relationship with my boyfriend, and in that way, I want a more stable relationship now with strong foundations. And trying to make the best for my family and to be a better person. I am decided to leave my actual job because I am not feeling fulfilled and I feel I am losing my time but the best is that I already have a date when I am going to stop to work there. 

And of course, I hope to reach my goal of reading 100 books this year. So that was all for this updating post of today. 

Bye Bye!!


  1. Mucho ánimo y mucha fuerza, siempre adelante, guapísima
    Besos, ciao

  2. I suppose it's not easy to live in the country like this but I hope taht soon situation in your country it will be look better.
    I keep fingers for your 100 books :-)

  3. Hope, everything goes well with you....
    Take care.....

    # I follow you, I'll greatly appreciate if you would like to follow me as well

  4. I've been following the situation In Venezuela through the news and I can imagine it's probably even worse there. Despite all that you have a good mindset and I hope you stay safe and stay happy.

  5. Mucho ánimo, espero que las cosas por venezuela cambien pronto.

  6. I hope that soon everything will get better in your country and everything will be fine.

  7. Relationship is very important:)

  8. Que pasada, 100 libros, yo lo maximo es 15 al año y muchos son

    1. Ya he leído 23 libros, sé que voy atrasada pero creo poder ponerme al día.

  9. I also hope that the situation in your country will change and it will be soon, of course, for better - what I wish you 😘

  10. I hope everything will be getting better in your country soon.
    Take care

  11. The problems in your country was very complex. I hope the government have to solve the problem soon & God always help you & your country

  12. *hugs* Take care of yourself!!

  13. Dont follw the news so I didn't know the situation.Hope it will resolve soon

  14. I saw some of the turmoil on the news, saw a tank running close to protesters. I hope things improve.

  15. Espero que esta fase tão complicada, por aí, do ponto de vista económico, político e social, se resolva rapidamente!
    E creio que as coisas estarão já num ponto tão insustentável que creio não poderem continuar assim, muito mais tempo... pelo que creio que tempos de mudança... estarão em marcha, por aí!
    Entretanto cuida-te, por aí, nesta fase mais atribulada! E certamente outras oportunidades, surgirão, do ponto de vista laboral...
    Que tu e os teus, permaneçam bem, nesta fase tão complicada, é o que eu mais desejo!
    Beijinhos! E tudo a correr pelo melhor por aí!

  16. Espero que las cosas mejoren pronto en tu país y que te permitan tener una mejor calidad de vida para tí y toda tu familia, ¡mucha suerte y gracias por compartirnos tu sentir!

  17. I hope everything get better for your country 😊

  18. I hope that the Venezuela crisis has a positive outcome for its citizens. Stay safe!

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